5 Signs You May Have Depression

Globally, it is estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men struggle with depression; chances are either you or someone you know currently struggle. With proper screening and support you can confidently find ways to overcome your struggles. This post is meant to help guide you through proper screening.

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t”. ~John Green

What being depressed can look like

  • You are unmotivated or lack energy

  • You are becoming more isolated

  • You are feeling helpless or hopeless

  • You are constantly irritable or annoyed

  • You are feeling stuck or unfulfilled

Depression can feel isolating; it can feel like everyone is excited about life but you. Some days can seem so dark it’s difficult to find hope. Oftentimes you feel depleted and too tired to think or concentrate on tasks. For some experiencing depression can also feel like a constant cycle of feeling stuck or unfulfilled; for others it can feel like you are just existing and not fully living.

“A big part of depression is feeling lonely, even if you’re in a room full of people” ~Lilly Singh

Getting to know your cycle of depression

“Peeling back the layers”

According to the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorder, depression can be characterized by feeling down, feeling intense sadness, having less energy, and feeling a sense of helplessness. For some, depression may show up as them becoming more isolated, more irritable, and having feelings of inappropriate guilt.

Therapy can often be used as a tool to get to the root causes; while providing you the necessary coping skills to improve your overall mental health and emotional well-being. Managing symptoms starts with understanding how you are being impacted(the internal and external factors contributing to your struggles).

Depression is sometimes a response to unmet needs. It’s time to tend to your needs. Get screened Depression screening questionnaire. Schedule an appointment to find ways to manage your depression.

Ready to start your mental health journey?